Thursday, April 28, 2016

The journey of a thousand pasangs starts with a single step...

'Mountain Path' by Tom Prante
As with every journey, this one begins simply...with a single step of creating my small corner of the blogosphere where I can set down my ideas, my thoughts, a complaint or two, and observations about SecondLife and being a Torvie in Gor.  I have never been much of one for keeping a diary, so I doubt I will make daily entries here, instead adding to this blog when I have something I want to get off my chest or record for posterity.  If others enjoy what I write, then so much the better and I invite you to comment.  If not, then there are many other blogs...please feel free to find one.

I guess I should introduce myself a bit.  I have been on SL since October of 2012.  About a week into SL I wandered into this place called 'Gor' and what I found there blew my mind.  You see up until then I had never heard of Gor (despite being an avid reader of Tolkien, Burroughs, Heinlein, Norton, McCaffrey, Clarke, Jordan, Weis & Hickman  and many, many others).  I found eager and beautiful slave girls willing to serve your every need (and I mean EVERY need), strong male characters, honor and excitement.  I'm a guy so of course I was thinking "Oh hell yes...sign me up!"  Ok, ok...I was also thinking a LOT with my cock...I was new to SL...cut me some slack!

So, I picked up the first Gor book...and immediately felt like someone was playing a rather cruel joke on me.  I mean look at the list of people I had been reading (and continue to read).  Masters of Sci Fi and Fantasy.  Whatever you think of Gor as a world or 'concept'...most everyone admits that John Norman is NOT a masterful writer.  I have read essays by my kids (when they were in 5th grade no less) which were easier to get through.  So taking a deep breath I slogged my way through the first book Tarnsman of Gor.  Needless to say, I looked beyond the writing and found that glorious story.  Fortunately for me, by the time I was about half way through the second book, Outlaw of Gor,  I found these audio recordings.  Needless to say I was saved!  Now I could listen to someone else stumble through the bad writing and just listen along and follow that story.

Then came Maurauders of Gor and changed the way I saw Gor yet again.  I fell in love and lust with Torvaldsland, it's people, it's bonds, it's way of life.  Being of Nordic heritage myself, I could find many things in the Torvies that I could identify with.  Blond hair, blue eyes, very tall, strong...essentially Vikings in Gor!  And did I mention BONDS?

Despite having lived in southern Gor for a long time (even having journeyed to the Plains of the Wagon people and as far as the Pani) I consider myself a Torvie and always will be!

Now you know a bit about me...  I hope you found it insightful...if not then all I can say is I will try to bring up more interesting topics in the future.

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