Friday, September 2, 2016

Slaves and sexuality

     I read a blog the other day of someone I consider a friend, and some of it was about the sexual use of a slave in Gor.  Now I have never made any bones about the fact that I make use of my slave girl on pretty much a daily basis.  She enjoys it, I certainly enjoy it, and we both consider it a part of her being my slave.  To my mind (and hers, and apparently my friend's) it is part and parcel of having a slave as yours.  A way for the Master (Jarl, Mistress, Owner) to show caring for their property while also asserting Dominance and the natural order of things.
     There are, however, other thoughts out there about slaves (and sex in SL as a whole).  I do understand that some cannot partake due to physical or other limitations.  I also understand that some simply have no interest in that.  For my part I did own a slave who had little interest in that part of being a slave, and as a result my ownership of her never felt fulfilling or satisfying.  It never felt like her submission was fully realized, and she was sold out of my collar after being in it for only a short while.  On the other hand, I also owned a girl who was physically incapable of sex in RL due to health and other physical issues, but totally enjoyed sexual RP while mine.  My relationship with her was MUCH stronger than with the other.  Even though she couldn't 'enjoy' the time we spent together in RL, she took pleasure in the fact that she was pleasing to me and that her Master cared enough about her to use her and take his pleasure of her.
     My point here is that slaves in Gor ARE SEXUAL CREATURES.  This is a fact repeated often in the books.  Look for example in the first couple pages of Explorers of Gor.  The slave Linda is begging for use by Samos, to the point she is sobbing when he turns her away and then turns instantly happy when he relents and tells her "After you have been locked in your kennel," said Samos, "ask for a vessel of warm water, oils and a cloth, and perfume. Bathe and perfume yourself. I may summon you later to my chamber." - Explorers of Gor.  
     So how can a slave BE truly gorean and not be a sensual and sexual creature?  I don't think there is a way.  The bonds in Marauders served their Jarls lasciviously, brazenly sexual.  The silk slaves in the south did the same although in a bit more of a veiled or 'refined' way...however, as in the case of Linda mentioned above, even they weren't above begging use or touch.
     I would mention though, that just because slaves are sexual and sensual creatures that doesn't mean they are running around the streets, towns, villages, cities (what have you) trying to fuck everything under the sun or moons.  As an owned slave, you should make sure your owner is ok with your going out and about seeking sex and especially who you seek it from.  Meaning I very much doubt he will want to fuck you after you laid with that mud slinging, stinking rence farmer and his brothers and cousins....especially if your owner is of the High Caste. 
     For those women who want to be in Gor but do not wish to be used sexually, I would suggest many other roles than a slave.  Freewoman, Panther and She-Urt come to mind.  Why become a slave if you actually have no fire or heart for it?
     For those Men or Women who don't wish to have sexual relations with your slave...why take a slave in the first place?  Unless you find one of those who wishes no sex as well, then you are limiting their RP, limiting their submission, and killing her enjoyment of all she could be.  You need to realize that you don't HAVE to own a slave in Gor to enjoy Gor.
     For my part I will never again own a slave who doesn't know very clearly that she is going to be used by me.  Regularly.  I am very up front about it, and expect the same from anyone who would ever come into my collar (No, I don't expect OOC contact like Skype or anything, I mean we would have a very frank OOC discussion about what my expectations of her would be and what she can expect being mine).  Yes, I DO find other uses for my girl and include her in my RP wherever possible.  Sex is not the end all, be all of being a slave, but I feel it is an integral component of it.