Monday, May 15, 2017

SecondLife and Drama

Recently, due to events I won't go into in detail, I have been reminded how much drama and hate can be spewed in SL.  Many have said to me 'Oh well, that's totally a Gorean thing...all the sex and BDSM and slavery...there is BOUND to be drama!  That's why I stay out of it!'  However, I have played in Game of Thrones (GoT) RP and I know others who are involved in other parts of SL (Bloodlines, Earth style CaRP like Dark Alley, etc) and it's just as bad there.  

In fact I had a friend tell me that one of the largest Families in Bloodlines (SoD) recently imploded and went from the largest family to the 8th largest pretty much overnight.  I know from my own experience that GoT RP was so rife with Drama that the leaders of the place I was a part of left SL entirely to go and play on another grid (good luck with THAT...ugh).  Naturally there are my own personal experiences both in and out of Gor.

Of course in Gor we have seen MANY sims blow up, implode, empty out overnight and shut down.  The reasons for this can be many and varied.  Everything from 'I didn't get the respect I deserved' to 'My Master/FC/Slave/Whatever was sleeping around on me'.  And while the reasons can be valid (and painful) for the people directly involved, it turns into an unholy mess of drama when other people get involved.  People take sides without knowing the full story, they've been burned in the past so they 'know' who is at fault (making a snap judgement), or they simply enjoy stirring the pot and making a mountain out of a molehill.  

I just wish people would shut up sometimes and realize that they aren't helping things by becoming involved in other people's business.  They only make what was painful for a few into pain for many.  This isn't Jr High School anymore.  We are all old enough (hopefully) to understand that people can make mistakes and need compassion and understanding, not MORE drama.  People are adults and should try to act like it. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Fantastic Depiction of a Viking Smithy

It's been a long while since I have posted here...what with RL and the holidays, I have been fairly busy.  however, today I saw something that I felt I needed to memorialize...or at least save for possible use at some point in the future.
The video above is probably one of the best depictions of a Viking Smithy I have ever seen.  I realize it's also an advertisement (for a seriously cool Axe), but if you look beyond that you can see how a Viking smithy would be a dark place where the smith can pay attention to the color (and thereby the heat) of the metal he is working.

All too often in SL I see Torvie smithy's as wide open airy kinds of places that simply wouldn't work in reality, and while we do need to make SOME adjustments for RP, I just think people have a tendency to go too far and apply our modern ways of thinking (not to mention our modern morals) to things in the past.