Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Smithy Girls & Metalworker Apprentices

So on top of the many things I am involved in (building, learning blender and marvelous designer, scripting, and furring the hell out of my slave girl to mention just a few), I have decided to try to help with a program of teaching apprentice metal workers and smith girls.  I consider this to be a continuation of trying to live my part and know my role in Gor (see previous blog entry about knowing your role in Gor)...and putting my money and my effort where my mouth (or at least my blog) is.

It is my hope that I can help to make the role of metalworkers and smiths something honored like physicians and scribes.  While I don't think that everyone who plays a smith in RP needs to have the RL skills to be able to do the job (any more than I think everyone who RP's as a physician needs to be able to step into a surgical suite and perform surgery), I DO believe that being a GOOD smith requires someone who actually knows what they are doing...at least in RP.


  1. I could not agree with you more. Years ago, I was forced to be a smithy girl and learned quite a lot under a very knowledgeable Master.

    1. See, that's just it. A good slave is more than just a furring partner (although I admit that is a great part of the relationship as well). They learn (or can be taught), they can expand their RP and work together with their owner to make RP better for both of them. Thanks for your reply Zari!
