Monday, May 2, 2016

Knowing your role in Gor

Recently I was at a discussion among SL Goreans and a subject was touched upon that I have very strong feelings about, namely 'Knowing one's role in Gor'.  Now, I'm not speaking of the simple roles of Free Man, Free Woman, or Slave, or even the slightly more complex ones of Torvie, Southerner, Taluna, or anything like that.  Those are the main roles in Gor, and you should know those very well as the rules and rights governing each of those main roles are what give us the 'big picture'.  What I am speaking of is known as 'caste' in the South, or your occupation.

For example, I play a Smith (with some training as a Rune Priest).  I have taken the time to learn about smithing in Medieval and Viking societies.  I have attended courses in the Gorean Campus, and in the Gorean University on the subject.  I have read about how copper pots are retinned, how hinges and nails were forged, how steel was made, how to properly brand a slave, and yes, how weapons were crafted.  Suffice it to say I have learned a great deal about the work of a smith, but far from everything.  I use that knowledge to deepen my RP and give it more richness and flavor.  When I collar a slave, it's not a simple "Blitz slaps a collar on the slut, slaps her on the ass and sends her on her way"....collaring and branding a new slave can take an hour or more in RP, and that is with my bond helping me.  Forging a weapon can take days of RP. 

So what sets my teeth on edge more than anything is some idiot coming on sim who labels himself a smith...but in reality doesn't know shit about doing the job other than 'Slap on the collar, now let's go drink...or fuck....or fight'.  Need to make a sword?  "Oh, I'll have that done in five minutes.  Let me go to my handy and unending supply of steel, toss it in the forge, pull it out, wack it a few times with a hammer and voila here is your sword with a side of daggers, and a collar for your next slut."

We expect so very much from our SLAVES.  We expect them to know how to serve, what side of their owner to kneel or stand on, how to do chores of all kinds and varieties, and how to be pleasing and sultry.  Shouldn't we expect as much or more from the FREE?  Shouldn't the free be held to a higher standard than they currently are?

I know the greens in Gor have a vigorous and healthy system for certifying physicians.  There are a number of schools, and even a green council.  I also know there has been some effort to have a school for metalworkers.  And there are many courses for scribes and slavers in places like Port Haifa, the Gorean University and the Gorean Campus.  But even without a formal course or school, you can teach yourself about your chosen occupation. Just ask yourself a few things:
  1. Where would I get the raw materials to do my occupation?  A candle maker might need to keep bees or find someone who does in order to gather beeswax.  Contrary to popular belief, steel doesn't grow out of the ground.  Find out how to get iron and what it takes to make steel if you want to be a smith.
  2. How would I need to refine or mix those raw materials? A baker doesn't just dump flour, eggs and milk into a bowl and toss it in an oven to get bread.  It needs to be mixed and then kneaded.  A carpenter would need to cut wood into lengths and sizes and then dry them properly (no trips to Home Depot!) before they could be used.
  3. What kinds of tools would I need and where might I get them? A farmer needs a scythe, a plow, and many other tools.  A brewer needs large copper kettles to brew in and barrels to ferment in.  Think about what you need to do your work and seek out those other folks in RP to purchase or acquire those tools.
  4. Where is the audience for what you are making?  Here is perhaps the most difficult part.  RP with people to find out their needs.  Find out what your neighbors need and want for their homes in RP.  Don't just sit on your ass in your shop and think people will come to you.  However, keep in mind that not every northern village can support a full time candy maker (Yes, I've actually seen this and always wondered how she made enough to support herself).  That kind of thing may work in the South where there are large cities that support many varieties of shops, but is unlikely to work well in the North.  
If more people would do this, then I really feel that RP in Gor would be better.  There would be the hustle and bustle of every day life.  People would find RP because it would be all around them.  Perhaps that is a bit of a pipe dream...but it's one I will hold to.

I would make one last comment on this subject....and that is to actively engage your slaves in your chosen occupation.  By that I mean, don't just tell them to go out and do it for you, work with them, teach them the things you want them to do.  My bond is also my smith girl, helping me around the smithy as I work.  Not just sweeping the place up (hard to do in the North with mostly dirt floors), but with brandings, bringing me items I need, readying tools or implements she knows I will use.  Having that slave as yours should mean more than simply a furring companion...or a slut to bring you your drink.  In the North, everyone worked, or people starved.  And in the South, a slave owner still had to pay to feed their slave.  In neither case would they just leave them to sit and look pretty while the owner toiled away at an occupation.

Anyway, that's my two cents...I hope you found this post interesting.  Feel free to comment below, and I will try to post again soon.

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